Thursday 27 June 2013

40th Anniversary Stole

40th Anniversary Stole

I designed and created this bespoke stole for a pilgrimage group to give to their wonderful parish priest in celebration of his 40th anniversary of the priest hood.
The group had requested a violet stole that would give reface to his two parishes, that of Saint Cuthbert’s and Saint Patricks. They also wanted a monstrance and the Eucharist to be a part of the design. With this in mind, I came up the following design that they were happy with.

Before starting this project, I studied some very and wonderful old books on the traditional making of vestments. Drawing form age old techniques the construction of the stole was made completely by hand.

Upon reserving the stole, the group were all very happy with my work and presented the stole at the surprise celebrations after Mass. It was real blessing for me to create this stole and pray for vocations. I do find it truly amazing that the pieces I design and create are being used to bring Glory to God worn in the celebration of the Holy sacraments, to be clothed in CHRIST!